We are happy to announce that the long-awaited English edition of the film Katalin Forrai's Music Educational Principles in Practice (Ed. Ilona Gróh and Helga Dietrich) is available!
Dear Kodaly HUB Community,
As you may have noticed we are about to reach 1000 records in our Songbook (if you haven’t registered yet, do it now quickly so you have access to our diverse, rich and remarkable Songbook with games, activities etc.).
To celebrate this milestone the Kodály HUB team has a little competition for you: the user uploading the 1000th record will get a copy of one of the Kodály Institute’s available books/publications (upon the winner’s choice).
Dear Users,
Since launching Kodaly HUB we see that it is enjoying an ever increasing popularity with many new registered users every day from all over the world. We also see that you enjoy checking out the Songbook, different articles, Publications.
However, not everybody feels confident enough to share their games, songs. We would like to encourage all the users to create, submit and share their records. We made a tutorial video therefore to guide you how to create and upload your material. We hope it will help you with the procedure.
Kodály HUB, established to develop innovative methods in music education, became the first Hungarian-led higher education Erasmus project to be awarded “Good Practice” and “Success Story” qualifications. The initiative, led by the Liszt Academy of Music in collaboration with prestigious Scottish and Dutch partner institutions, is gaining recognition in more and more countries.
The European Union’s recently completed Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project, led by the Liszt Academy of Music in cooperation with the Scottish and The Hague Royal Academy of Music, resulted in the launch of the Kodály HUB, a free online music education knowledge centre.
The site available for months, helps music teachers to design more enjoyable lessons that are based on Kodály's principles. The objective is to endear music lessons to students, thereby heightening the personality development impact of music.
This long-awaited volume of Kodály’s writings on music education contains articles, speeches and interviews by the world-renowned composer, ethnomusicologist and pedagogue.
Edited by the great Kodály scholar, Mihály Ittzés (1938–2018) and published by the Liszt Academy of Music under the auspice of Mrs. Kodály, the book exhibits different texts which originally had different purposes, some of them are longer, some consist of only one or two paragraphs, but the reader can feel the perfectly coherent aesthetic and intellectual world view behind them: the importance of singing and solmization in music education, the belief in the unquestionable value of folksongs and Western art music, the assumption that music can help us become better human beings – every page of this book is impregnated with these ideas.
Sergio de la Ossa, ethnomusicologist, the former instructor of the Kodály Institute has created this guide to folk song analysis and the accompanying test exercises with solutions.
Photo: Miguel Souto
To whom is this guide addressed?
This analysis guide is primarily intended to help teachers who use folksong in the classroom, but it may be also useful for anyone who would like to know folksong in greater depth. The text aims to lead you step by step into folksong analysis. You can benefit from it no matter whether you are just now starting to discover folk music, an experienced folk singer, or a primary school teacher. You don’t need to be an expert to use this guide: you will probably be closer to that stage after you finish using it!
The English version of the short documentary film presenting the unforgettable personality of Katalin Forrai is now available.
The documentary about the international adaptation of the Kodály concept has been released. Through the example of many outstanding music educators, choirs, choristers and other musicians all around the world the film manages to capture the respect for the achievements of the Hungarian music education over the past 50 years. It validates that the music education practices developed according to the Kodály concept have the magic power to implant into people the love for music and the joy of singing for a life time, while the music literacy skills indispensable for high standard music making and the understanding reception of music can also be developed to the highest levels. Recorded in Asia, the USA and Europe, the film invites you to get an insight into the educational work of Kodály’s disciples as well as to that of several generations of musicians following in their footsteps. Music teachers tell us about how the encounter with the values of Kodály’s concept has changed their life, their attitude towards teaching and toward music. The impact music learning, singing, choir communities have on children, their mental development and their development as a person is demonstrated in a very moving way.