Conduct the following pieces incorporating:
● good posture
● the preparatory beat
● the 2/4, 3/4 or 4/4 beat pattern
● the cut-off
2 pattern
In “Rocky Mountain” (link to the score) the cut-off is the same as in “Here Comes a Bluebird”.
3 pattern
In “Music Alone Shall Live” (link to the score) the conductor begins the cut-off circle on the third beat of the last bar and comes down on the 1st beat of an imaginary extra bar.
4 pattern
In “Steal Away” (link to the score) the conductor begins the cut-off circle on the fourth beat of the last bar and comes down on the 1st beat of an imaginary extra bar. Note that at the end of the song you will be stopping on beat 2 rather than beat 1.