Friday, Aug 30, 2019 10:00 – Sunday, Sep 1, 2019 15:00 | |
Accademia d'Ungheria In Roma | |
Italy | |
Masterclass |
The Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music organizes
Venue: the Hungarian Academy in Rome
Address: Accademia d'Ungheria In Roma, Via Giulia 1. 00186 Roma
In collaboration with the Hungarian Academy in Rome and the AIKEM – Associazione Italiana Kodály per l’Educazione Musicale (Affiliated National Institutional Member of the IKS - Accredited by M.I.U.R.
Recognized by M.I.U.R. pursuant to directive 90/2003, “Iscriviti su PIATTAFORMA SOFIA con la CARTA DEL DOCENTE”)
Date: 30 August - 1 September, 2019
(The course starts early morning on August the 30th, Friday and culminates on Sunday afternoon, September 1st.)
Language: English and Italian
For whom do we recommend the Kodály Seminar in Rome?
For professional and amateur musicians, music educators and choral musicians interested in Hungarian musical culture and the world famous achievements of Hungarian music pedagogy
Why is it worth attending this course?
Through a variety of musical activities including singing, games and movement participants receive inspirational musical experiences as well as practical guidance for the successful implementation of Kodály’s educational philosophy in music pedagogy, choral education and in the training of professional musicians.
Dr. habil. LÁSZLÓ NORBERT NEMES, Professor, Director of the Kodály Institute, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Subjects: Choral singing and Music pedagogy
Language of instruction: English
Dr. KATA ASZTALOS, research assistant professor, Kodály Institute, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, assistant professor University of Szeged;
Subject: Singing games
Language of instruction: English, language of musical material: Italian
Dr. NÓRA KERESZTES, associate professor, Kodály Institute, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Subject: Development of musicianship (solfege, harmony) through singing
Language of instruction: English and Italian
Course fee: EARLY BIRD 160 EUR/person, if paid until 3 August, 2019. If transferred after 3rd August, the fee is 180 EUR/person.
Application deadline: 13th August, 2019. Applications must be sent to director.kodalyinstitute@zeneakademia.hu
We only accept payment by bank transfer, details in the application form.
For registration open the application form, and please fill out and send it back to us.
The fee covers participation in the professional program of the three-day course, and coffee and tea between sessions.
Daily timetable:
9:30-10:00 Morning sing (warm-up, choral singing, choral conducting)
10:00-11:00 Music pedagogy seminar
11:30-13:00 Development of musicianship through singing
lunch break
15:00-16:30 Singing games
Choral conducting workshop (NEMES)
This workshop assists participants in the acquisition of technical skills necessary for the performance of choral works. Special attention is given to the development of conducting gestures and the pedagogical facilities needed for successful choir direction.
Language of the seminar: English
Seminar in music pedagogy (NEMES)
This workshop will offer participants an insight into the practical adaptation of the Kodály concept in the teaching of music for young people (age 5-18) and professional musicians both in formal and informal educational settings. Topics include: expressive singing, musical skill training, active music listening, creative work: improvisation and composition.
Language of the seminar: English
Development of musicianship (solfege, harmony etc.) training through singing (KERESZTES)
During the seminar, according to the Kodály-based education, we are trying to achieve the musical competences mainly through singing. Through singing the numerous examples taken from the music literature and with the proper harmonic, mnemonic, etc. exercises, we try to develop the skills of sight reading, harmonic hearing, to develop a significant elasticity of inner hearing and musical mind, etc. – all that with a vocally approached, conscious analysis. The musical style (Renaissance, Baroque, Viennese Classicism or Romanticism) will be chosen according to the demand of the participants. One of the main purposes of the course is to introduce the participants into the proper and effective use of relative solmization (or movable doh), a very important tool of developing the sense of tonality in the Kodály Concept.
Language: English or Italian
Complex musicianship (solfege, harmony, etc.) training through singing
During the seminar, according to the Kodály-based education, we are trying to achieve the musical competences mainly through singing. Through singing the numerous examples taken from the music literature and with the proper harmonic, mnemonic, etc. exercises, we try to develop the skills of sight reading, harmonic hearing, to develop a significant elasticity of inner hearing and musical mind, etc. – all that with a vocally approached, conscious analysis. The musical style (Renaissance, Baroque, Viennese Classicism or Romanticism) will be chosen according to the demand of the participants. One of the main purposes of the course is to introduce the participants into the proper and effective use of relative solmization (or movable doh), a very important tool of developing the sense of tonality in the Kodály Concept.
Language of the seminar: English or Italian
Corso complesso delle soggetti musicali (solfeggio, armonia, etc.) attraverso il canto
Durante il corso – secondo l’educazione basato sulla Concezione di Kodály – cerchiamo di acquisire le competenze primariamente attraverso il canto. Cantando i numerosi esempi musicali della letteratura musicale e con apposti esercizi mnemonici, armonici, etc. cerchiamo di sviluppare le disponibilità della lettura a prima vista, dell’orecchio d’armonia, sviluppare una notevole elasticità dell’orecchio interno e della mente musicale, etc. – tutti questi con un consapevole analisi approcciato vocalmente. Lo stile musicale (rinascimento, barocco, classicismo viennese o romantica) sarà scelto secondo le esigenze dei partecipanti. Uno degli scopi principali del corso è di introdurre i partecipanti nel corretto ed efficace uso della solmisazione relativa (o do mobile), un importantissimo mezzo della Concezione di Kodály, che – conservando gli stessi rapporti intervallari – sviluppa la sensibilità tonale.
La lingua del seminario: italiano o inglese
Songs and singing games from 0 to 10 (ASZTALOS)
The seminar includes rhymes, songs, singing games and practices for holistic musical ability development of preschool and lower primary school students. The main aim of the lessons is to present the Kodály-concept based traditions and music teaching methodology with joyful activities and the creative integration of movements. The musical material – following the footsteps of Kodály – is collected from the popular songs and children songs of Italy, but participants will have the opportunity learn singing games from other countries too.
Language of the seminar: English, language of musical material: Italian
Canzoni canti- giocho da 0 a 10
Il seminario include filastrocche, canzoni, canti-gioco e pratiche per lo sviluppo delle abilità musicali olistiche degli studenti della scuola materna e della scuola primaria inferiore. Lo scopo principale delle lezioni è mostrare le tradizioni basate sul concetto Kodály e la metodologia dell'insegnamento musicale con attività gioiose e l'integrazione creativa dei movimenti. Il materiale musicale - seguendo le orme di Kodály - viene raccolto dalle canzoni popolari e dalle canzoni per bambini dell'Italia, ma i partecipanti impareranno anche a cantare i giochi di altri paesi.
Lingua del seminario: inglese, lingua del materiale musicale: italiano