Saturday, Nov 19, 2022 09:00 – Sunday, Nov 20, 2022 17:00 | |
Amare - Den Haag 150 Spuiplein 2511 DG Den Haag Netherlands | |
Netherlands | |
Masterclass |
The upcoming edition marks the 10th anniversary of the Muziek als Vak Masterclass Weekends.
The first edition, in October 2012, led to many developments: 19 more weekends, the start of the course Muziek als Vak and the Royal Conservatoire master programme 'Music According to the Kodály Concept'. All in all, the 10th anniversary of this first weekend is reason for a celebration.
Besides our own highly esteemed (and every growing!) teaching team we will welcome László Nemes and Árpád Tóth to The Hague! Prepare for some inspiring and challenging workshops around a wide range of great repertoire!