Wednesday, Aug 21, 2019 19:00 | |
Pesti Vigadó, Budapest | |
Hungary | |
Concert |
As part of commemorating the great composer Zoltán Kodály, the National Youth Choir of Hungary was founded in 2018 by the Ministry of Human Resources at the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music.
This unique ensemble represented the Hungarian population of the whole Carpathian basin as members of 62 came from not only from Hungary but from all neighbouring countries where Hungarian minorities live.
The main goal of the choir is to demonstrate the strength of human fellowship created through the Kodály system of musical education as well as showcase the values of contemporary choral art of Hungary.
Members of the choir come from professional backgrounds of a very colourful nature, there are students of music, architecture, chemistry, psychology, graphic design, information technology, linguistics, etc. among others. Some members have already earned their degrees and took jobs in their respective profession.
Programme of the National Youth Choir 2018 comprised of a one week intensive rehearsal period followed by a series of five concerts in three countries, ending in Kecskemét, Hungary, the seat of the Kodály Institute.
In the summer of 2019 – although with a slightly reduced membership – the choir will convene to fulfil two very important engagements. In July they will give a concert at the 30th International Kodály Seminar and Arts Festival in Kecskemét.
In August they will perform at the 34th Annual Convention of the Association of British Choral Directors in Birmingham https://www.abcd.org.uk/convention. Before departing to Britain however, they will render their programme to the Budapest audiences at the Pesti Vigadó on the 21st August, 2019 at 7 pm.
Lajos Bárdos: Este van már (It is Already Evening)
Zoltán Kodály: Székely keserves (Transylvanian Lament)
Béla Bartók: Magyar népdalok 2 és 3 (Hungarian folk-songs 2 and 3)
Judit Varga: Night (Piece written for the National Youth Choir)
Máté Bella – Gyula Juhász: Béke (Peace)
Miklós Kocsár – Sándor Kányádi: Májusi kétségbeesés (Despair in May)
György Orbán: Orfeusz lanthúrja szólt (Orpheus Withhis lute made trees); Come away; O mistress mine
Miklós Csemiczky: Húnyt szemmel (With closed eyes)
János Vajda: Kolinda
Conducted by Profs. Peter Erdei, László Norbert Nemes
Registration is available here from 22nd July 2019