The official logo:
The Wing is the wing of the Rhinoceros Hornbill, the state bird of Sarawak and the country’s National Bird.
The Circle symbolises the dawn of a New Era. It also represents the planet Earth where the Kodaly philosophy is loved all around the world. The logo shows the Wing tenderly holding the Circle, which ties to our theme for IKS2019–Embracing a New Era.
This also means that we open our arms and hearts to welcome everyone from around the world to IKS2019 in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Monday, Aug 5, 2019 10:00 – Friday, Aug 9, 2019 21:00 | |
Kuching, Sarawak | |
Malaysia | |
Conference |
Have you registered to attend the most exciting event of 2019?
Registration closing date is 30th June 2019 – don’t miss it!
24th International Kodály Symposium 2019
Embracing a New Era: Nurturing the Kodaly Philosophy Around the World
Find more about the Schedule, the Keynote and Guest speakers, performers here: