The latest publication of the Kodály Institute is a much-needed, long-awaited project by a former professor of our Institute, the internationally renowned Lilla Gábor. “Kodály’s Principles in the Perspective of the 21st Century – Based on Zoltán Kodály’s Writings and Speeches” is aimed for all those who wish to delve into the authentic sources: the complexity of Kodály’s vision in his own words.  

As Lilla Gábor writes in the Introduction: “Since Kodály's death – over the course of five decades – the historical, cultural environment has undergone a significant transformation. The new generation growing up, the young children of our age, have a particular need for the kind of education which only music – and art in general – can provide.” Yet, “Are Kodály’s original intentions always understood correctly?” “What can actually be considered an adequate adaptation, based on Kodály’s original ideas?” I have come across some outstanding, beautiful work in various places”. “However, in many cases some methodological elements are turned into gimmicks, get overemphasized, taken out of context, and lack the fundamental musical background.” “Frequently this leads to another gap: between the tools and the final goal of music teaching.”

“The main purpose of this comprehensive overview is to lead us to a deeper understanding of Kodály’s fundamental views and principles in the perspective of the 21st century. It covers numerous important and inspiring aspects of music education, reaching back to the authentic sources: Kodály’s original writings and speeches. His spiritual legacy combined with his pedagogical guidance continue to be an essential, relevant source in a universal, cultural and human aspect.”

This publication is unique in its structure and scope: The entire publication is based on quotes extracted from all available writings and speeches by Kodály, systematically organized in chapters, indicating the date and publication of each source. Among the illustrations, a wide range of video demonstrations is included.  These videos have been recently recorded in Hungary as the finest examples of the practical implementation of Kodály’s universal concept, from kindergarten through primary and secondary school to the Liszt Academy.

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About Kodályhub

The Kodály HUB is a public on-line Knowledge Centre in which a Musicbook, a Community, a Calendar and further resources are available to assist teachers in their everyday work. The Songbook contains several hundred songs and music listening materials from all over the world. The songs are analysed using many key, searchable parameters and (when relevant) accompanied by a game or movement activity to support the teaching objectives and increase the enjoyment of the lesson. 

The Kodály HUB was created under an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme Kodály HUB - Sing. Learn. Share.

In 2019, 2020, 2021, the maintenance of the Kodály HUB has been supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary and the "Everyday Singing" programme of the Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary, the fee of the logo registration was covered by the National Research and Development Office of Hungary.

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Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
6000 Kecskemét, Kéttemplom köz 1., Hungary